Hoop Love Policies

Class Attendance & Punctuality

Arrival Time: Please ensure your child arrives at least 10 minutes before the start of their class. Late arrivals may disrupt the class and affect the quality of their training.

Pick-up Policy: We ask that parents pick up their children promptly after the class has ended. Our coaches and staff are not responsible for supervising children beyond class hours.

Parent Observation Policy

No Sitting In During Sessions: To foster a focused and distraction-free environment, parents are not permitted to sit in the gym or observe the entire class. We encourage the children to focus solely on their training during this time.

Final 10 Minutes Viewing: Parents are welcome to come into the gym for the last 10 minutes of the class to observe their child’s progress and listen to any feedback from the coaches.

Special Sessions or Evaluations: Parents may be invited for specific sessions where observations are allowed, such as evaluation days, exhibitions, or games. Notices will be provided in advance.

Payments & Refunds

Pre-Payment Requirement: All sessions must be paid for in full before your child arrives at the gym. This allows us to organize our sessions efficiently and ensure all participants have a confirmed spot.

Payment Options: Payment can be made online through our website during the designated payment periods. Please ensure that all fees are settled at least 3 hours prior to the scheduled session.

No Payment, No Participation: If payment is not received before class, your child will not be permitted to participate.

Refunds: All sales are final. No cash or credit refunds will be issued. Account credits only.

Gym Conduct

Respectful Behavior: We expect all children and their guardians to demonstrate respectful behavior towards coaches, staff, and other participants. Any disruptive behavior may result in removal from the program without a refund.

Health & Safety

Medical Conditions: If your child has any medical conditions or allergies, please inform the coaching staff ahead of time. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the child’s medical needs are properly communicated and managed.

Sick Policy: If your child is feeling unwell, please keep them at home. Children showing symptoms of illness will be asked to sit out or be picked up